Saturday, July 7, 2018

The First Message : Way to live

Hello Reader , how are you ? I'm sure most of you guys are doing fine and living a normal life. For everyone who's reading this especially who are facing some critical life problems or have failed recently , i have a quote with which i want to start this post . Quote in 1....2....3....

"FAIL means first attempt in learning" . So the outcome is that the usual negative definition of failure is now invalid which leads to more positivity in general.

There are plenty of ways a person lives his/her life whether intentionally or not. Some are having a lavish and outgoing lifestyle while some are struggling for daily basic needs( food, shelter and clothing ).

Now i really want you guys to think about the kind of life i will be explaining below.Honestly, It's more of a mindset thing. So those who want to change/improve their mindset in such a way that they become unstoppable , please continue reading .

One night last year , i was busy playing Grand Theft Auto 5 with my little brother. Suddenly something weird struck my mind and from that at moment onwards, I've been more productive each day. I am happy with the office work and I'm happy when I'm taking a rest as well.

Let's deep dive into what came into my mind that night. As i was playing , i imagined an analogy according to which the character that I'm playing is ME literally , the controller is my own mind and last but not the least my physical hands are nothing more than my inner hands( willpower ).

So if i replace the objects with their respective analogies, I'm left with willpower which controls the mind and uses the mind in a peculiar fashion just to complete specific life goals through my body/character. Now only thing left is to assign daily missions to the character and gain power, respect, money or any necessary feat to climb the social ladder. As it happens, deep down we know our missions because we dream about those with open eyes . What needs to be done is to break it down into smaller missions and carry them out. SIMPLE ISN'T IT. 

During my path to follow this kind of mindset, over thinking became an obstacle that i am still struggling with sometimes. But over thinking comes with both pros and cons. When it is done to reach a decision/outcome so that the decision can be converted into action , it's okay but when a person thinks too much about past(which cannot change) and future(which is highly uncertain) without taking any actual step , that's harmful to the mind. So if this problem of over thinking is brought into control then using the mindset i talked about earlier , anyone is UNSTOPPABLE.

Those were my purest of thoughts and i would like to know more such mindsets that you guys follow. So please comment down below with any feedback that's popping in your mind right now 🙂

Stay Safe . Stay Strong . Peace

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